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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Bibliography / Fairbairn 1998 / 527


[Fairbairn 1998, Bd. II, S. 527]: 

[im Kommentar zu "fol. 1" des "MS L.IV.10" der Biblioteca Comunale in Siena: Skizzenbuch des Orazio Porta]: 

"Anonymous 16th-century French Draughtsman, annotated by Orazio Porta. Plan of a Roman encampment. […] The drawings, by a French artist, was probably in Porta's collection. Porta copied many drawings from Codex Destailleur D (Berlin, KB), which contains drawings by several hands including French draughtsmen. The interest in Roman military matters was shared by other 16th-century architects, such as Palladio, who illustrated the Commentaries of Julius Caesar in 1575."
  • Kommentar: Es scheint kaum nachvollziehbar, dass Porta Zugang zum Codex Destailleur D gehabt haben soll, zumal die Verweise Fairbairns sich vermutlich alles als irrtümlich erweisen. [noch zu ergänzen]