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Cintia Cervini (1525–1575 [Halbschwester Marcello Cervinis]), […], gave birth in 1542 to Roberto Bellarmino (+ 1621), the Jesuit theologician, cardinal, and saint. Giulia [weitere Halbschwester] entered the religious life in the order of Saint Clare, and Romolo [Halbbruder] attempted to pattern his career after that of his older half-brother Marcello. [En 10] Marcello oversaw his education, entrusting Romolo to his friends Bernardino Maffei and Paolo Manuzio, later suggesting  that he study law in Padua. […] Romolo, it is said, did not have the talent of his half-brother in academic purcuis, but Marcello did utilize him as an intermediary in his work with the Venetian printing house headed by Aldo and Paolo Manuzio while Romolo pursued studies at Padua. [En 11] Romolo suddenly died in 1551, before his ecclesiastical career, enriched through the actions of his half-brother, really commenced.