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Tolomei sends a letter to Manzuoli about the progress of the Vitruvius lectures. [Facsimile and transcription.]


Letter by Claudio Tolomei to cardinal Jean du Bellay [Tolomei 1547: 195r-v]


"A sharp clash accompanied what would appear to be their earliest meeting, on August 15, 1543, which took place in the context of the controversial re-use of marbles and other building materials intended for St. Peter’s excavated from the Roman Forum: Ligorio was incensed that such a practice was taking place, even with the explicit approval of Paul III." [Sherer 2013: 83]


  • DBI: "Nell'estate di quell'anno, 1543, si pensava ormai che egli stesse arrivando a Roma (v. lett. del Giovio a B. Maffei del 16 ag. 1543, in P. Giovio, Lettere, a cura di G. G. Ferrero, I, Roma 1956, p. 320)."


According to the report by Girolamo Garimberto in his "De Regimenti Pvblici de la citta" (October 1544), Sangallo, Meleghino and others meet in Tolomei's home to discuss their visit to the ruins on the Palatine hill on the same day "less than a year ago". 


Tolomei writes a letter to the French king François I, mentioning a "disegno" for a large project where several learned men are involved = possibly the Accademia project. The project's printed description mentioned in the letter is not included and maybe did not survive. [Tolomei 1547: 5r]