[Bauer 2020: 65] "According to Panvinio’s brother, Pius IV considered making Panvinio a bishop; but Panvinio declined because he wanted to retain his freedom to study while he was still young. This account is highly improbable, for we know that Panvinio was always in search of money and a benefice which would permanently maintain him. To be sure, in 1561 Cardinal Marcantonio da Mula, bishop of Verona, urged Alessandro Farnese to give a vacant bishopric—which seemed to have been at his disposal—to Panvinio.[FN 18: M. da Mula (Rome) to A. Farnese (Caprarola), 2 August 1561, in R. Fulin, ‘Onofrio Panvinio’, Archivio veneto, 4 (1872), 158.]"
Date of the dedicatory letter by Panvinio to Pius IV. of his "B. Platinae Historia de uitis Pontifìcum Romanorum a D. N. Iesu Christo usque ad Paulum Papam II, longe quant antea emendatior; cui Onuphrii Panuinii Veronensis" – Venezia: Tramezzino, 1562.
Agustín writes in a letter to Fulvio Orsini: ricorda «alcune medaglie buone d’argento et d’oro» di Sertorio viste a Bologna e scrive che gli ha promesso alcuni «gettiti» di zolfo, poi inviati, cfr. lettera da Trento, 20.10.1561, ivi [= Agustín, Antonio: Opera omnia … VII, 245–246], p. 246.