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contract signed by Cardinal Cervini, Antonio Blado and Benedetto Giunta with Maiorano see [Dorez 1892: 289–313] (vgl. [Layton 2012: 41 n. 33]


"Il 19 nov. 1544 Paolo III convocò il concilio a Trento per la quarta domenica di Quaresima del 1545. Il 6 febbr. 1545 Cervini fu designato legato insieme con i cardinali Giovan Maria Ciocchi Del Monte e Reginald Pole. Il 23 febbraio Cervini partì da Roma e il M. lo seguì come segretario." [DBI]


Arlenius writes from Florence to Agustín in Rome about the departure of Matal to Rome.


Matal's first letter from Rome to Lelio in Florence.


Matal uses cardinal Pietro Bembo manuscripts of Terence and Virgil [Ferrary 1992: 159]. In a letter by Gabriele Faerno from Cremona (1511–1561), written on April 29 of 1558 to Pietro Vettori in Florence, Faerno reports that Agustín and Matal collated Bembo's codex of comedies by Terentius (BL London Add. Ms. 10266, fol. 119) [Ferrary 1992: 160]: «Ne ho ancora una copia cavata da un riscontro che ne fecero insieme monsignore Antonio Augustino et monsignore Metello dottor Borgognone, che annotarono ogni minima minutia». About Faerno cfr. [Cisorio 1925] and [Voet II 1981: 905–908]. About Bembo's Terentius codices. [Prete 1950]. [Heuser 2003: 89, FN 2]


Letter by Tolomei to Adriano Vivenzio mentioning that the house he has to live in does not follow the rules of Vitruvius.


Morillon sends a letter to Granvelle from Leuven giving an overview of ancient literature. [Besançon Bibliothèque Municipale Granvelle Collection Ms. 90 1r-9v]


Vignola presents his designs for the completion of the façade of San Petronio in Bologna to Pope Paul III.


Matal's "Index Bibliothecae publicae Graecae Vaticanae confectus a Metello, Calendis Septembris 1545" = BAV Vat. lat. 7132 [Branca 1974: 238], [Devreesse 1965: 360–379], [Ferrary 1992: 33–36, 251–257], [Cooper 1993: 96]

1545-10-15 … 1546–03–05

[Beltramini 2012.2: 32] "There is some further information on Palladio and Trissino’s second trip to Rome in the autumn of 1545, with stops at Ravenna, Rimini, Ancona, and Recanati before they headed to Rome."

Beltramini on the conference in Vicenza in 2017: 2. trip of Palladio with Trissino to Rome: "seconda metà di ottobre [1545] – entro 5 marzo 1546"


Francesco Venturi from Florence dedicates his Italian (= Tuscan) translation of "Dionisio Halicarnaseo delle cose antiche della Citta di Roma", published by Michele Tramezzino in Venice, to cardinal Ottavio Farnese. The date of the impressum is "10 Zenaro 1545" = 1545-01-10 (= January 10 of 1546 in modern calculation).