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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Bibliography / Campbell 2004.1 / Bd. 1 / 163 = A.IX / 1, S. 163

163 = A.IX / 1, S. 163

Zum Katalogeintrag "44. Sacello Bracciolini, Rome: elevation and plan

Mid sixteenth-century italian Hand 'A'

"There is also a section in the Hermitage Destailleur-Polofzoff Album 'B' from the circle of Ligorio, showing a tall single-level interior. (Scaglia 1991, p. 111, fig. 5 mistankenly relates the façade on the top right of the sheet to the Sacello Bracciolini, whereas it belongs with the other tomb illustrated on the same page.) The Hermitage plan and section are copied in the Berlin Codex Destailleur 'A' (Comp. fig. 44iii)."

Kommentar: Die genannte Skizze ist nur sehr grob., ohne Masse und zeigt kaum Details.