Austini, Francesco
Persons known by name
Austini, Francesco
Francesco Austini da Fabriano
- according to Luca Contile [Lettere, libro 1, ed. Pavia: Bartoli, 1564, fol. 19v–21v / ed. Venezia: 1564, fol. 16r–17r ] one of the members of the «Accademia della Vertù» [sic!] when they met in Tolomei's house in Rome in 1541. The other persons mentioned by Contile as participants of the meetings (which took place 2 times per week in Tolomei's house) are:
- Molza
- Filandro = Guillaume Philandrier
- Longhena («Dottore Spagnuolo»)
- il Cincio («partmente ci si il Cincio truova Medico di Madama Margarita d'Austria»)