Persons known by name
Dosio, Giovanni Antonio
- worked for Jacopo Strada in Rome, according to [Hülsen 1933.1]
- created the tomb (at least the portrait on top of it) for Annibale Caro in the 1560s.
- [Valone 1976: 535]
- "Torquato Conti, Dosio's patron at Anagni, also first employed him for his archaeological talents. In 1562, two years prior to Dosio's appointment as architect of the fortifications, he was carrying out an important excavation near the Roman Forum for Conti, who had close ties with the foremost group of humanists in mid-century Rome through his family connections with the Farnese and his long friendship with Annibale Caro."
- [Valone 1976: 535-536] "In May and June of 1562 Dosio was excavating the Forma urbis, which had been found near the Church of SS. Cosma e Damiano in the Forum of Peace. Huelsen established / Dosio's participation in the excavation by pointing out the forlowing passage from Bernardo Gamucci's book, Libri quattro dell'antichitai della citta di Roma, published in 1565: ". . . il quale essendo hor stato chiamato di Quinino, e hora d'Urbis Romae s'e ritrovato ne' tempi nostri per M. Giovanni Antonio Dosi da San Gimignano, giovane virtuoso, architetto e antiquario di non poca espettatione. Huelsen failed to note, however, that the Forma urbis excavations were done for Conti. Lanciani showed that although Conti did not actually own the land around SS. Cosma e Damiano, he leased it from the canons of that church."9 It is not surprising to find that the Conti controlled the area since they had long been established in that part of Rome, as the Torre dei Conti, erected in the thirteenth century, still attests.