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Garimberto, Girolamo

Persons known by name

Garimberto, Girolamo

  • 1506–1575
  • bishop
  • reports in his De regimenti publici de la città [Garimberto 1544] a discussion in of the Accademia's meetings among Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane and Jacopo Meleghino regarding the reconstruction of ancient buildings
  • his collection is in large parts documented by Ciacconius
  • advisor to Otto Truchseß von Waldburg and the Gonzaga family in buying antiquities
  • see also: [Daly Davis 1994.1: 15]
  • "Girolamo Franzini, for example, recommends the reader contact a certain Monsignor Gieronimo Garimberto in the Monte Citorio area, to be shown a multitude of art and sculpture under his guidance" [Rone Guidebook 2019] citing in Footnote 36: "Cantatore (2012) 84 v: “desiderando di vedere cose rare così in scultura, come in pittura, domandate in monte Citorio la casa di Monsignor Gieronimo Garimberto, vescovo di Galese, che là vi faranno mostrare cose infinite, & tutte rare” (if you wish to see rare sculptures or paintings, ask in the Monte Citorio area for the house of Monsignor Gieronimo Garimberto, Welsh bishop, and there you will be shown infinite and rare things)." [eBook ohne Seitenangabe]