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Egio, Benedetto

Persons known by name

Egio, Benedetto

Benedetto Egio

  • † 1568/1570
  • born in Spoleto
  • specialist in ancient Greek
  • editor of the "Bibliotheke" by Pseudo-Apollodorus for / dedicated to Jean Matal: " Apollodori Atheniensis Bibliotheces…", Roma: Blado, 1555 [online]
  • [Heuser 2003: 97]
    • [Cosenza 1962: I: 62]; [Ferrary 1985: 422];
    • contributed to Matal's sylloge: BAV Vat. lat. 6039: 207r, 224r  [Cooper 1993: 98, 101f., 103]
    • [Crawford 1993, 2: 133–154]; [Laureys/Schreurs 1996]; [Laureys 1996, bes. 165f.]
    • [Nolhac 1887: 21] writes that Egio died in 1567, but [Crawford 1993: 142] limits the time of Egio's death to between 1568 and 1570 because of a letter written by Agustín to Orsini on 1571-02-24.
  • [Laureys / Schreurs]
    • von Egio stammen handschriftliche kritische Anmerkungen an einem Exemplar der Topographia Marlianos.
    • Egios Bibliothek aufgeführt bei Crawford, Michael H.: Benedetto Egio and the development of Greek epigraphy, in [Agustín 1993], 133-154,
    • dazu kommen laut Laureys/Schreurs noch je ein Expl. 
      • Libri de re rustica. Venedig: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1514
      • Stephani Nigri elegantissime e Greco authorum subditorum translationes. Milano: per Ioannem de Castelliono, 1521
    • S. 398, n. 50: Egio and Ligorio were praised together for their antiquarian studies by O. Panvinio in the preface to his Rei publicae Romanae commentarii (1558): "Nouissime Benedictus Aegius, & Pyrrhus Ligorius antiquitatu[m] omnium peritissimi vrbis ruina explicandas & illustrandas susceperunt."