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Erizzo, Sebastiano

Persons known by name

Erizzo, Sebastiano

  • 1525–1585
  • entry in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
  • s. http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/sebastiano-erizzo_(Dizionario-Biografico),
  • Girolamo Ruscelli dedicated Erizzo's "Trattato di Messer Sebastiano Erizzo, dell'istrumento et via inventrice de gli antichi (Venetia 1554) to Marcello Cervini.
  • Pirro Ligorio must have known Erizzo's collection of ancient coins because he praised it. [Letter by Erizzo to Ligorio from 1570.]
  • Erizzo himself dedicated the Trattato to "Messer Bassiano Landi" [more information] (mathematician and professor of medicine) who seems to have been a student of Andrea Alciato and seems to have been in contact with Ulisse Aldrovandi. An unpublished work by Bassiano Landi, De ordinibus, atque methodis, is dedicated to Sebastiano Erizzo. Landi seems to have been accused of heresia, maybe because of his medical research that seems to have been not in accordance with the legislation of the catholic church. It is even more remarkable then, that Erizzo's Trattato was dedicated to a presumed heretic and cardinal Cervini, too!
  • "[…] Erizzo was clearly linked to some important members of the Accademia Veneziana. He figures as one of the authors in an anthology of poems written by various members of the Accademia and edited by Dionigi Atanagi." [Vanhaelen 2016: 5] refers to: [Atanagi 1561]
  • More information about Erizzo can be found here.
  • knew Carlo Sigonio who served as a "confidente" between Erizzo and Ugo Antonio Roberti (Ruberti) in an exchange on/about ancient coins [Missere Fontana 2017: 504]