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Trissino, Giangiorgio

Persons known by name

Trissino, Giangiorgio

  • Very active poet, philologist,
  • supporter and mentor of Andrea Palladio who took him to Rome where he – Trissino – took part in the sessions of the Accademia.
  • diplomat in the service of Leo X and Clemens VII
  • according to [Beltramini 2012.2: 25] a "friend of Sebastiano Serlio", Ariosto, Pietro Bembo, Raffael, Michelangelo
  • [Beltramini 2012.2: 30] "For him the constant point of reference was the world of antiquity, reexperienced in a sort of militant classicism, which affected not only architecture but music, theater, and even the organization of armies."