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Pio da Carpi, Rodolfo

Persons known by name

Pio da Carpi, Rodolfo

Rodolfo Pio da Carpi

  • 1500–1564
  • Cardinal with strong antiquarian interests and close connections to many Roman antiquarians
  • from 1562 to his death member of the Holy Office and Dean of the College of Cardinals.
  • He gave the first 6 volumes of the Magdeburg Centuries (publ. 1559–1562) to Panvinio (in 1562?)
  • owner of one of the largest collections of Roman antiquities
  • Matal used his sylloge already in 1545 (i.e. shortly after his arrival in Rome): [Cooper 1993: 98] BAV Rom, Vat. lat. 6039, fol. 242, 309–315v, 321–328v; [Crawford 1993: 285], [Wrede 1999]. 
  • [Heuser 2003: 93, note 2] His liber Carpensis is today in the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, Ms. V. E. 4: Title: Inscriptiones antiquae per urbem Romam diligenter collectae atque ex aliis cum Italiae tum Hispaniae locis studiose conquisitae fidelissimeque, ut in ipsius marmoribus legebantur, descriptae. [Verbogen 1985: 257] The author is not known, though it is probably Martin de Smet [Ferrary 1985: 420]; [Wrede 1993: Antikenaufstellung: 21]; [Wrede 1998: 85]; [Wrede 1999]. About the "Museum of inscriptions in the Palazzo Carpi" reports Ulysse Aldovrandi (1522-1605) and Matal's compatriot Jean-Jacques Boissard (1533--1602): [Wrede, Antikenaufstellung 1993: 21]; [Daly Davis 1994: 49ff., 91, 118f.]
  • Martin [de] Smet[ius] was his secretary
  • [Daly Davis 1989: 197] "Cervinis engster Geistesgenosse"
  • [Beltramini 2012.2: 35–36] (citing Maganza): "«At the said time, I saw this Count Marco [Thiene] dealing with many gentlemen and in the cardinal’s court and in his house he held a most excellent and honorable table. And with him almost constantly at his table were several learned persons and there were certain young gentlemen, among them the brother of Cardinal da Carpi [= Alberto, half-brother of Rodolfo], both of whom held a banquet every week—that is, one one week and the other another week—where musicians and various illustrious persons gathered. And this banquet making went on for quite a few days, because I know that they fell to the said Marco two out of three times, and at very great expense [. . . ]»"