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Marliano, Bartolomeo

Persons known by name

Marliano, Bartolomeo

  • cartographer and author of the Topographia Urbis Romae and other important works on Roman history and culture
  • Contacts:
    • Annibale Caro (mentioned as a supporter in the Topographia)
    • Antonio Blado (printer of the first edition of the Topographia, Rome, May 1534)
    • François Rabelais (editor of the second, revised edition of the Topographia in Lyon, September 1534) – and, because Rabelais was in Rome in the service of Jean du Bellay, presumably Marliano was also in contact with du Bellay
    • Lucena (mentioned as a supporter in the Topographia)
    • Luigi and Valerio Dorico: printers (as the Academiae Romanae Impressorum) of the third general = second Roman edition of the Topographia, the first edition with images and the famous three maps, 1544
    • Giovanni Battista Palatino: incisor of (at least) the third, larges map of Rome in the 1544 Topographia edition
    • Benedetto Egio and Pirro Ligorio: fierce opponents of some of Marliano's views on topographic topics, e.g. regarding the location of the Forum Romanum
  • also active as a printer
  • Biography DBI