Carpi, Girolamo da
Persons known by name
Carpi, Girolamo da
Girolamo da Carpi
- 1501–1566 (both in Ferrara)
- painter, active in Rome and elsewhere
- Entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (Treccani)
- slightly more extensive entry in the German Wikipedia
- "Er war auch Architekt und erhielt 1550 von Papst Julius III. den Auftrag, den Belvedere-Komplex im Vatikan umzubauen. In Ferrara leitete er die Erweiterung des Castello Estense, entwarf den Palazzo Naselli-Crispi und die Kirche San Francesco."
- his sketchbook in Turin, later called "contrafazioni", includes several (3?) drawings by Battista Franco after antique sculptures and reliefs.
- his sketches seem to refer to ancient sculpture only as a source for inspiration, not in a documentary manner