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Barbaro, Daniele

Persons known by name

Barbaro, Daniele

Daniele Barbaro

  • born 1514 in Venice
  • studied at Padova together with Bernardino Maffei
  • also knew Pietro Bembo from his study times, and later wrote an extension of his Storia veneziana di D. B. dall'anno 1512 al 1515..., (in Arch. stor. ital., VII, 2 118431, pp. 949-1112)
  • Paulo Manuzio published and introduced his commentary to Porphyrius (Exquisitae in Porphyrium Commentationes) in 1542.
  • Barbaro may have known Benedetto Varchi, the Florentine Academician, from his study times in Padua.
  • Barbaro supported younger artists, among them Battista Franco. [Cellauro 2004.1: 295]
  • Barbaro sent images of fishes to Marcello Cervini for the publication of Ippolito Salviani
  • Barbaro knew Ligorio very well (and, therefore, may have met him and other members of the Accademia in Rome before 1556)
  • Barbaro stood in contact with cardinal Guglielmo Sirleto (see. [Cardinali 2017.1])
  • also knew or stood in close contact with Bernardo Tasso, L'Aretino, and Ruscelli
  • Ruscelli wrote the preface to the edition of Barbaro's "Della Eloqvenzia Dialogo" (1557)
  • was ambassador of Venice to England in 1550-1551
  • According to [Mitrovic 2019: 10], Gian Paolo Lomazzo seems almost to cite Barbaro's commentary on Vitruvius in his own Trattato dell'arte della pittura, scoltura et architettura.
  • Barbaro visited Rome in 1554 together with Palladio in preparation for the edition of Vitruvius, i.e. at a time, when the Accademia was still active meeting, as Strada (who was there from 1553 to 1555) reports, regularly in the Palazzo Farnese under the protection of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese.
  • Publications (among others):
    • dieci libri dell'architettura di M. Vitruvio tradutti e commentati da Monsignor Barbaro eletto patriarca d'Aquileggia, in Vinegia 1556. Gewidmet  Ippolito d'Este
    • Della eloquenza dialogo del reverendiss. Monsignor Daniel Barbaro, eletto patriarca d'Aquileia. Nuovamente mandato in luce da Girolamo Ruscelli in Venetia 1557
    • M. Vitruvií De Architectura libri decem cum commentariis Danielis Barbari electi Patriarchae Aquileiensis,Venetiis 1567, dedicated to Cardinal Granvelle
    • La pratica della prospettiva di Monsignor Daniel Barbaro eletto patriarca d'Aquileia opera molto utile a Pittori, a Scultori, et ad Architetti, 1569
    • Aurea in quinquaginta Davidicos Psalmos doctorum graecorum catena interpretante Daniele Barbaro electo patriarcha Aquileiensi, Venezia 1569, (suggested a few years earlier by Cardinal Sirleto on behalf of Pope Pio V. It was thought to go back to a lost Greek original, about which there is an exchange of letters between Sirleto and Barbaro.
  • Source: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (which does not mention Palladio or Trissino among Barbaro's contacts!)