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Choul, Guillaume du

Persons known by name

Choul, Guillaume du

Guillaume du Choul

  • [Heuser 2003: 96]: Du Chould, probably the most important French antiquarian of his time, sent—via Antoine Lafréry—inscriptions from southern France to Matal:
    • BAV, Vat. lat. 6038: 91 r/v, 94 r/v
    • Vat. lat. 6039: 425v––429r. See: [Cooper 1988: 170]; [Cooper 1993: 106]; [Crawford 1993: 282, 288]
    • Du Chouls letter to Matal is dated 1548–04–11, cf. [Cooper 1988: 170] and [Cooper 1993: 106]
    • Du Choul pursued antiquarian studies between 1535 and 1555 and published in Lyon three books:
      • Discours sur la castrametation et discipline militaire des Romains [regards the Corpus agrimensorum Romanorum]
      • Des bains et antiques excertiattions
      • De la religion des anciens Romains
      • see: [Daly Davis 1994: 35, 100f., 110]
      • ms: Des Antiquités romaines premier livre => Torino: Biblioteca Reale, ms. var. 212, dedicated to François I – see [Cooper 1988: 166f., 170–174].