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Mei, Girolamo

Persons known by name

Mei, Girolamo

Girolamo Mei

  • humanist (1519–1594)
  • disciple and friend of Piero Vettori
  • not a direct member of the Accademia, but close to several of its members and – maybe – someone who transmitted their (new) scientific methodology to others, like Vincenzo Galilei.
  • went to Rome to get support from Paul III and Marcello Cervini, both friends of Vettori
  • in his earlier years in Rome he mainly supported the edition of classical texts prepared by Vettori by consulting manuscripts in the Vatican Library
  • developed an interest in (greek/ancient) music theory and collected all available texts – maybe in the same manner as the other partial projects of the Accademia 
  • lived and worked in Rome, Lyon, Venice and Padova
  • in Rome he lived in the household of cardinal Giovanni Ricci da Montepulciano, himself very close to Cervini, Paul III, cardinal Alessandro Farnese and others. [Was Giovanni Ricci a relative of Ostilio Ricci, the teacher of Galileo Galilei]
  • collaborated with Vincenzo Galilei and discussed with him their findings about ancient music – so, there is a possibility that Mei transferred the methodological ideas from the accademia circle in Rome to Galilei (who then, may have influenced his son to develop the "scientific method" for physics)
  • stood also in contact with Giovanni Bardi, leader of the Florentine Camerata
  • since his Roman years (if not earlier) he stood in contact with Pietro Bembo (maybe), Ottavio Pantagato, Gabriele Faerno, Guglielmo Sirleto, Latino Latini
  • DBI