Persons known by name
Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de
- first son of Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle from Besançon (minister of Charles V) [his father Nicolas built the Palais in Besançon and was also painted by Titian]
- legal studied in Padova with Pietro Bembo; studied later theology in Leuven
- shortly after his 23rd birthday Paul III made him bishop of Arras
- portrait by Titian (c. 1548)
- cardinal since 1561; titular church: San Bartolomeo all'Isola (Tiberiana) in Rome
- 1571–1575 vice king of Naples (in the service of Philipp II)
- took part in the conclave 1572 electing Gregory XIII
- since 1578 cardinal bishop of Sabina (created by Gregory XIII)
- took part in the opening of the Council of Trent as representative of the Emperor Charles V with a speech
- his palace in Brussels (destroyed in 1931) is attributed to Sebastiaan van Noyen, but also to Francesco Paciotto and/or Marchi
- employer of
- He owned a large collection of ancient and contemporary art and many books, some of them bought for him by Antoine Morillon and bought according to a special design in Venice
- wrote on 1581-09-27 to Fulvio Orsini about his library
- exchanged letter(s) with Christophe Plantin about the books to be printed, e.g. 1568-05-24.
- several books from the Accademia network were dedicated to him:
- "He [Granvelle] may, in conjunction with Hans Jakob Fugger, have been instrumental in getting Lasso appointed as singer at the Bavarian ducal court in the fall of 1556; two letters from Fugger to Granvelle speak of Lasso's journey and arrival in Munich." [Bossuyt, Ignace: "Lassos erste Jahre in München (1556–1559): eine 'cosa non riuscita'? Neue Materiale aufgrund unveröffentlichter Briefe von Johann Jakob Fugger, Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle und Orlando di Lasso", in: Festschrift für Horst Leuchtmann zum 65. Geburtstag, hg. von Stephan Hörner und Berhold Schmid. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1993, S. 55-67.]